
The PalArse of Westminster


Exposing the hypocrisy, greed and incompetence of our "respected" elected political "elite".

Tuesday 30 April 2024

Ireland Imposes Hard Border


In a move that is more than "ironic", Ireland has now imposed a hard border. This is contrary to what they were bleating about during the Brexit discussions!

Monday 29 April 2024

The Reality of Open Borders


Good Riddance - Useless Resigns


Friday 26 April 2024

Dublin Hoisted With Its Own Petard - Karma's a Bitch!

In a highly amusing twist of fate, thanks to the Rwanda policy, Dublin now finds itself on the receiving end of illegal migrants crossing over the border from Northern Ireland (anxious to avoid deportation).

Dublin is very vexed about this, and is sounding off loudly in the media about it.

However, what the Teashop and his lackeys have failed to mention is the fact that the open border between Northern Ireland and the Republic is a direct result of the Republic's intransigence during the Brexit negotiations about the "hard/soft" border on the island of Ireland.

Ironically Ireland can't send them back, because Ireland’s designation of the UK as a “safe third country” to which asylum seekers can be returned for processing is unlawful as a matter of EU law, the Irish High Court has ruled.

Karma's a bitch eh guys!?

Thursday 25 April 2024

Back To The Seventies - Labour To Bring Back British Rail


Halcyon Days!

Labour's proposal to nationalise the railways is not just flawed, it's a potential economic disaster waiting to happen. 

The Staggering Cost

The most glaring issue is the cost. Nationalising the railways isn't as simple as flipping a switch. It involves buying back assets from private companies, a process that could cost taxpayers upwards of £70 billion. This is a conservative estimate, and the actual cost could be much higher.

This is money that could be invested in healthcare, education, or other vital public services. Instead, it would be sunk into a project with no guarantee of success. The economic fallout from such a massive expenditure could be felt for generations.

The Inefficiency of Nationalised Industries

Nationalised industries are notorious for their inefficiency. Without the competitive pressure that drives innovation and improvement in the private sector, nationalised industries often become stagnant and unresponsive to the needs of their customers.

The British rail system, when it was nationalised in the past, was plagued with issues such as outdated infrastructure, frequent delays, and poor service. There's no reason to believe that a new era of nationalisation would be any different.

The Taxpayer's Burden

The financial burden of nationalisation would fall squarely on the shoulders of taxpayers. Even if the initial cost could be financed through borrowing, the ongoing costs of maintaining and improving the railways would need to be covered by public funds.

This could lead to increased taxes or cuts in other areas of public spending. Either way, it's the average citizen who would pay the price for Labour's grand experiment.

Political Posturing at its Worst

Finally, it's hard to ignore the political motivations behind this proposal. Nationalising the railways is a popular policy among Labour's base, but popularity among a select group doesn't equate to sound policy.

In conclusion, Labour's plan to nationalise the railways is a risky gamble with the country's economic future. It's a plan riddled with potential pitfalls and hidden costs that could have serious consequences for all of us. It's a plan we can ill afford.

Hamas Yousaf's Government Imploding


Monday 22 April 2024

No If, No Buts - Spring Delayed Until July


Sunak has stated categorically that the Rwanda legislation will pass "no ifs, no buts" within the next 24 hours.

In other news, he has announced that Spring has been out back to July so as to ensure his promise that flights will take off in Spring will be met!

Friday 19 April 2024

Fiddlers Three


 Someone will be throwing her "husband" under the campervan in the coming days.

Thursday 18 April 2024

God All Farking Mighty!


Oh, and apparently there is the small question of £5K of campaign funds allegedly being given to some "bad men"!

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Forty Years On - Rishi's "Mighty" Legacy


In 2064 in corner shops around the UK, 56 year olds and above will be having to produce id to shop staff to prove that they are over 55 in order to be able to buy a packet of fags!

Friday 12 April 2024

The Best Party Political Broadcast Ever!


Greater Manchester Police Investigating Rayner


Thursday 11 April 2024

French Migration Farce - British Taxpayers' Money Spaffed Up The Wall

Send the SAS over there to disable the boats on the beaches and to rendite the people smugglers!

Wednesday 10 April 2024

Willy's Out!


Wragg has now quite the parliamentary Tory party, and sits as an independent until the general election when he is due to stand down (as he announced in 2022).

This then rather begs the question why he was allowed to retain the whip for the past week? 

Additionally, as I have noted, why were Cabinet ministers all the way up to Chancellor Jeremy Hunt being wheeled out for days on end to defend the MP’s “courageous” apology, despite this line of defence clearly being bollocks?

There is a lot more to this story than is currently in the public domain, and it is clear that other senior MPs may well have been compromised. I trust, and assume, that the security services are investigating this!

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Oily Wragg Quits Posts



Wragg has quit as chair of the Commons Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee, and has also quit as vice chair of the 1922 committee.

Quite bizarrely the Tory high command still continues to try to protect him, and are now citing mental health issues.

The fact that he knowingly betrayed his colleagues by passing on contact details (and possibly other pieces of information) appears not to matter. Yet the police are investigating this and, I would expect, the security services will also be pressed into action.

Given that the explanations provided thusfar are flimsy, to say the least, it is clear that there is a lot more to this than has so far been made public.

Monday 8 April 2024

Why Is Rishi Protecting Wragg?


Despite the severity of his actions, and placing colleagues in harms way, Wragg has been shielded by the Tory party and indeed praised for being "courageous".

Dame Andrea Jenkyns, a former minister, is quite rightly having none of it and has called for action against Wragg, describing his behaviour as "unforgivable"

She questioned why the party was protecting Wragg, stating, "Why are they protecting Wragg? It’s bizarre".

There is a lot more to this than the feeble explanation given by Wragg, and at some stage it will come out.

Friday 5 April 2024

The Unanswered Honey Trap Question


Apart from Wragg, who else has been blackmailed into sharing contacts details?

Wragg shared his Tory contact details, but he did not have the contact details of those Labour MPs who have also been targeted.