Those of you wondering who the Tory MP is who has been watching porn in the Chamber (in full view of other MPs), will probably have to wait until Sunday before he is named in the press.
Thursday, 28 April 2022
#PornGate Latest
Wednesday, 27 April 2022
Boris To Privatise The Arse Off The Passport Office
Boris has threatened to privatise the arse off the Passport Office, if it doesn't improve its performance.
Monday, 25 April 2022
The French Presidential Vote - Beware The Media Spin
Contrary to what those with little understanding of politics would have you believe, Macron's victory is not a crushing defeat for Le Pen.
She has been increasing her share of the vote in each Presidential election:
2021 - 20%
2017 - 34%
2022 - 41%
Friday, 22 April 2022
The Absurd Theatrics of #PartyGate
Yesterday Parliament approved a third probe into partygate, this time via the Privileges Committee.
Whilst Starmer and the media are doubtless feeling very smug about this, the wasting of more time debating and investigating what is already being investigated does the people of Britain no good whatsoever.
Those who want to hold the government's feet to the fire should be focussing on a whole host of issues that affect real people including, but not limited to:
- the absurdity of the lockdown/mask rules, and how they caused more harm than good
- inflation
- the war in Ukraine
- migration
- NHS backlog
- housing
- law and order
- education etc etc.
These are the issues that our "esteemed" parliamentarians ought to be focussing on, instead of the theatrics of partygate!
Thursday, 21 April 2022
The Hancock Diaries
Former Health Secretary Matt Hancock will be publishing his diaries later this year.
The book (title TBC) will be based on “contemporaneous accounts” of the pandemic, and reveal “for the first time” the critical moments in the battle against COVID.
He will be donating the royalties to NHS charities.
Irony Klaxon!
Denmark has confirmed that it is in talks with Rwanda about transferring asylum seekers there, following a similar move announced by the UK last week.
— Simon Jones (@SimonJonesNews) April 21, 2022
Wednesday, 20 April 2022
Ukraine Names Street After Boris
Away from the theatrics of Westminster, in a move guaranteed to antagonise certain sections of the British media and others, Ukraine has named a street after Boris.
The council in Fontanka, on the outskirts of Odesa, issued an order to rename Mayakovsky Street as "Boris Johnson Street" instead.
It stated:
“The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is one of the most principled opponents of the Russian invasion, a leader in sanctions on Russia and defence support for Ukraine.
Rename Mayakovsky Street to Boris Johnson Street.”
The news was announced online by a council official who said:
“We have new heroes.”
Tuesday, 19 April 2022
The Roll Call of Shame
Cab Off name and shame departments struggling to get workforce back in.
— Harry Cole (@MrHarryCole) April 19, 2022
Going to be regular thing.. can’t help but notice those blighted by cock ups are at lower end of table - eg FCDO, DFE + HO - while better run like DHSC , DIT + MoD are up top.
Beis not setting good Eg.
Thursday, 14 April 2022
Come Fly With Me!
Boris will announce a new strategy today to try to break the people smuggling gangs of Calais.
Male economic migrants arriving in the UK, will be flown to Rwanda to have their applications processed.
As to whether this will break the people smuggling gangs, only time will tell. However, it does provide some "red meat" to those who have been wondering if this is a Conservative government.
Wednesday, 13 April 2022
Boris and Rishi Fined
Boris and Rishi received FPNs yesterday for the one event that they didn't actually expect to be fined for.
Not least because the Times reported on it the day after it occurred in 2020, without anyone so much as batting an eyelid!
Given the "methodology" and snail's pace of the Met, it is entirely possible that this won't be the only fine levied on Boris.
Tuesday, 12 April 2022
Blunt Closes The Stable Door...
Think it might be a bit late, pal
— Emilio Casalicchio (@e_casalicchio) April 12, 2022
Monday, 11 April 2022
True Brit!
Told the main focus of Boris Johnson’s conversations with Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv were on how Britain can help Ukraine’s military get the weapons it needs as soon as possible ahead of what is expected to be a very difficult new phase of the war in Donbas
— Alex Wickham (@alexwickham) April 11, 2022
Friday, 1 April 2022
You Spin Me Round - U-Turn Within a U-Turn
The government is in chaos over its pledge to legislate against LGBT conversion therapy after performing two U-turns within the space of a few hours yesterday.