
The PalArse of Westminster


Exposing the hypocrisy, greed and incompetence of our "respected" elected political "elite".

Friday 28 June 2024

Advice To Channel 4


When secretly filming an actor for an undercover political hit job, in future use someone who is well known such as David Tennant!

Biden Leaving The Debate

Wednesday 26 June 2024

Hope is Not a Credible Strategy!


Wednesday 19 June 2024

Labour's Taxpayer Exodus

Those who are not wealthy enough to exit the country will end up paying the tax burden of those who have gone.

Classic Labour stupidity!

Friday 14 June 2024

I, Robot - Starmer's Sense of Humour Failure


Sir Keir suffered a major sense of humour failure over the studio audience laughing at his reference to his father being a toolmaker.

He of course knows full well that the audience was not laughing at his father, or his profession, but at the fact that Starmer uses the phrase "my father was a toolmaker" at every opportunity he gets. Nonetheless Starmer jumped at the chance to feign wounded pride.

It is also somewhat disingenuous, as Rodney Starmer (Keir's father) in reality, operated the Oxted Tool Company. His own independent toolmaking enterprise until the 1990s. By all accounts, he was a proficient self-employed tradesman, devoid of superiors or overseers, operating from a rented workshop on an industrial estate rather than a conventional factory setting.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Labour's Tax Rises


This of course doesn't take account of other tax rises coming with a Labour administration eg:

- Council tax revaluations

- Pension fund raids

- Increased green levies on energy bills to pay for their ludicrous net zero policies.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Accurate Summary of The Main Parties


Monday 10 June 2024

Bonnet de Douche!


The media and European political parties are in a state of shock after yesterday's EU elections gave the socialists and centre parties a drubbing.

Macron has called an election for early July, in the hope that he can persuade people that the policy of mass migration that is destroying Europe's national economies and culture is still the right thing to do. 

He will fail!

Meanwhile in the UK, the electorate will probably give Labour a landslide win; unless the polls and the media have misjudged people's moods here as well!

Thursday 6 June 2024

The Toolmaker

Tuesday 4 June 2024

The Great Disruptor


Nigel Farage is now the leader of Reform and the candidate for Clacton.

It is probable he will win Clacton, and possible some Reform candidates will win other seats. However, what is guaranteed is that his entry into the race will increase Labour's winning margin substantially.

Quite how Farage and Reform think that this is good for the country eludes me!

Monday 3 June 2024

Farage Is Conducting Psyops and Messing With Your Heads!