
The PalArse of Westminster


Exposing the hypocrisy, greed and incompetence of our "respected" elected political "elite".

Tuesday 3 September 2024

#TwoTierKeir Kowtows To Sectarian Pressure and Backs Hamas


A day or so after Hamas executed (by shots to the back of their heads) six hostages, #TwoTierKeir and Lammy decided to suspend licences for weapons sales on 30 out of 350 arms licences with Israel.

Hamas continues to hold over 100 hostages, including 5 British citizens. Israel is a longstanding ally of the UK, yet TwoTier has decided to kowtow to domestic sectarian pressure and send a signal of support to the terrorist organisation Hamas and to Iran.

This pitiful display of student virtue signalling gesture politics will not change the outcome of Israel's operations against Hamas/Iran. However, it has severely damaged Britain's relationship with both Israel and the USA abd it will have negative repercussions for Britain.

Biden was assured by TwoTier and Lammy that no such actions were going to be taken. Britain's global reputation is being destroyed by TwoTier.

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