
The PalArse of Westminster


Exposing the hypocrisy, greed and incompetence of our "respected" elected political "elite".

Thursday 23 May 2024

General Election 4th of July


A sodden Rishi Sunak announced to the throng of media yesterday that there will be a general election on the 4th of July.

His decision has blind-sided almost everyone.

The media report that many Tory MPs are spitting blood over this, and cannot fathom the reason for calling the election now; they brand him as "selfish". 

It should be noted of course that these are the very same MPs who have been planning on an Autumn general election, and had been planning on using the coming months for their summer holidays and for arranging for jobs outside parliament when they lose their seats.

Meanwhile Nigel Farage has announced that he won't be leading Reform, nor will he be standing. Seemingly the chance of a job in the Trump administration is too big an opportunity to turn down, so he will spend the summer campaigning for Trump.

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