
The PalArse of Westminster


Exposing the hypocrisy, greed and incompetence of our "respected" elected political "elite".

Thursday 1 August 2024

Irony Klaxon - This is Labour's "Honeymoon Period"!


Three weeks into government and Starmer and his colleagues in Labour are still, technically, in their "honeymoon period".

What a three weeks it's been a.o:

- a serving member of the armed forces was stabbed multiple times in broad daylight by a knife wielding thug.

- three children were stabbed to death, and other children seriously wounded, by a knife wielding thug.

- multiple incidents of violence were perpetrated by a group of thugs at Manchester airport, who then seriously injured several police officers.

-  riots and serious levels of public disorder have occurred in various parts of Britain. The police applied a two tier approach to their response (eg leaving one group to burn a bus, whilst arresting a lady in her 70's for walking down the street near Downing Street).

- a machete fight broke out in Southend.

- a balaclava wearing thug with a machete tried to start trouble during a vigil for the dead girls in Southport.

- EDL, an organisation that was disbanded over 10 years, ago has been resurrected from the grave by Labour and the compliant media to be used as the all purpose vehicle of blame.

- JSO committed serious security breaches at Manchester, Gatwick and Heathrow airports.

- Reeves took away the heating allowance for over 10 million pensioners (but kept her own £3K pa allowance for MPs' second home).

- junior doctors played Streeting for a fool with his 22% pay rise, and have said they will strike again in 12 months etc.

If this is what the "honeymoon period" under Labour is like, imagine what the state of the country will be like by Christmas!

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