
The PalArse of Westminster


Exposing the hypocrisy, greed and incompetence of our "respected" elected political "elite".

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Fixing The Foundations - The Great Con


Starmer is using the tagline "fixing the foundations", along with the mythical £20BN black hole, as the rationale for the forthcoming tax rises that he will lumping on the hapless taxpayers in October.

He fails to mention the following:

- foundations are hidden, as such any "fixing" will be invisible and not be capable of verification

- £11BN of the black hole is money that has been allocated to foreign governments for alleged green energy initiatives

- £10BN per year be allocated Miliband's harebrained green energy schemes that will in fact cause power cuts, increase the costs of energy and wreck the economy

- billions have been spunked up the wall on paying off ASLEF and the junior doctors, and more will be wasted settling future claims as other unions get their snouts in the trough

- despite the word salad delivered by Starmer, there is no evidence of a vision or plan for the country other than the ever increasing government controls over what we are allowed to say and do.

- increasing taxes is not an engine of growth, it in fact inhibits it.

In short we are being governed by a thin skinned autocrat, with zero vision and leadership skills.

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