
The PalArse of Westminster


Exposing the hypocrisy, greed and incompetence of our "respected" elected political "elite".

Friday 30 August 2024

Unemployed Migrants Costing Over £8BN Per Annum


Official figures showed 1,689,000 non-UK nationals are either unemployed or classified as economically inactive because they are not looking to enter the workforce.

The Centre for Migration Control put the cost to taxpayers of record levels of migrant worklessness at as much as £8.5 billion a year.

Robert Bates, research director at the Centre for Migration Control, said last night: 

"For all the talk of a fiscal 'black hole', the Labour Government seem to be missing the glaringly obvious fact that mass migration is causing economic pandemonium.

There is no reason for us to continue handing out so many long-term visas when we are currently having to bail out over a million migrants who are already in Britain but not working.

This is the very definition of a Ponzi scheme, and we will only compound the problem if we do not change course soon.”

The Centre for Migration Control calculated the cost attributed to workless migrants could skyrocket to as high as £20.3billion.

How much is that mythical "black hole" again??? 

If TwoTier really wants to stop the boats he needs to attack the demand, and the easiest way to do that is to stop paying benefits and providing housing to illegal migrants.


#TwoTierKeir's #TwoTierNHS


Wednesday 28 August 2024

5,000 Empty Hotel Beds Buffer for Illegal Migrants Paid For Daily By The Taxpayers!


Now you know why Starmer will increase your taxes!

Fixing The Foundations - The Great Con


Starmer is using the tagline "fixing the foundations", along with the mythical £20BN black hole, as the rationale for the forthcoming tax rises that he will lumping on the hapless taxpayers in October.

He fails to mention the following:

- foundations are hidden, as such any "fixing" will be invisible and not be capable of verification

- £11BN of the black hole is money that has been allocated to foreign governments for alleged green energy initiatives

- £10BN per year be allocated Miliband's harebrained green energy schemes that will in fact cause power cuts, increase the costs of energy and wreck the economy

- billions have been spunked up the wall on paying off ASLEF and the junior doctors, and more will be wasted settling future claims as other unions get their snouts in the trough

- despite the word salad delivered by Starmer, there is no evidence of a vision or plan for the country other than the ever increasing government controls over what we are allowed to say and do.

- increasing taxes is not an engine of growth, it in fact inhibits it.

In short we are being governed by a thin skinned autocrat, with zero vision and leadership skills.

Tuesday 27 August 2024



The black hole that Reeves created by kowtowing to the doctors and ASLEF will not be filled by taxing the wealthy, as they will simply leave the country. The middle class and aspirational working class will end up picking up the tab for Labour's largesse. 

Starmer still sounds like he is leader of the opposition, whining and moaning about everything and everybody that doesn't fit his view of the world. He fails to mention knife crime, he fails to mention radical Islam and fails mention the destabilising effect on society and the public finances of mass illegal immigration.

Sunday 25 August 2024

Things Can Only Get Worse! - The Lyrics


Back in 1997 Tony Blair was elected on a wave of popularity and optimism that things could only get better (there was even a song to go with it!).

Now Starmer, riding on a crest of disillusion and disappointment, has stated that "things can only get worse".

Here are the suggested lyrics for a song that matches the mood of the nation:

Sing it to the tune of "Things Can Only Get Better." 🎵

(Verse 1)
In Downing Street, Sir Keir takes the stand,
A leader lost in quicksand, sinking in the sand.
"We've inherited a mess," he proclaims,
But where's the vision? Where's the flame?

"Things are worse than we ever knew," he sighs,
Yet his policies lack substance, like empty skies.
Choices aplenty, but no compass to guide,
Keir's promises unravel, swept away by the tide.

Things can only get worse, he chants,
Austerity masked as progress, a hollow dance.
The rot persists, entrenched in the core,
Keir's leadership? A riddle, nothing more.

(Verse 2)
Populism's ghost still haunts our streets,
And Keir? Well, he's busy with PowerPoint sheets.
In 2011, riots burned our towns,
Now he's rearranging deck chairs, wearing a frown.

Emergency measures, prisons overflow,
Yet Keir's speeches echo, a tepid echo.
He'll fix what's broken, or so he claims,
But where's the fire? Where's the flames?

Things can only get worse, he sings,
Austerity's grip tightens, clipped wings.
The rot runs deep, and we're left to cope,
Keir's legacy? A slippery slope.

So let's face the truth, call out the game,
Keir's ship adrift, lost in political shame.
Things can only get worse, that much is clear,
But perhaps it's time for a leader who's sincere. 🌟


Friday 23 August 2024

Miliband's Crazy Net Zero Agenda and The 10% Energy Price Hike


Ofgem has announced that energy bills are to rise by 10% a year from October as it raises the price cap to £1,717.

Meanwhile, Miliband continues with his unhinged eye-wateringly expensive (estimated to be £320BN by 20250) net zero agenda which will:

-wreck the economy

-put energy prices up

-cause power cuts

-impoverish families

Ironically back in May, Labour promised energy bills would fall by £600!

Wednesday 21 August 2024

ASLEF Demands Right To Work From Home


Following on from being given an inflation busting pay rise, and Starmer's vocal support for working from home, ASLEF are now demanding that train drivers be allowed to work from home.

No worries, once AI has developed a driverless train function the drivers won't ever need to come to work again!

Tuesday 20 August 2024

Starmer Looks and Acts Petrified When Asked About Risks of Early Release


Friday 16 August 2024

ASLEF Is Taking The Fucking Piss!


Automate the trains and get rid of the drivers.

Thursday 15 August 2024

Labour Caves To ASLEF With 15% Pay Hike


Labour has added another inflation busting pay rise to its list, with the 15% offered to ASLEF.

How much this will directly cost the taxpayers is not mentioned.

What is clear is that it will negatively impact inflation, and will encourage other unions to demand inflation busting pay rises for no increases in productivity.

Balls Out!


Wednesday 14 August 2024

Public Sector Pay Deals Have Fucked Scotland's Economy


Doubtless the English economy is equally fucked by these deals.

Thursday 8 August 2024

The Fake 100 Riot Psyop - The Country Has Been Played



The question is who created the fake list and why did the police, government and media so readily believe it and publicise it as fact?

The above organisations need to hunt down the person responsible and take a good hard look at themselves. This psyop cost a lot of money and could have caused serious injuries/death.

Beware the wilderness of mirrors!

Labour Suspends Throat Cutting Councillor


Wednesday 7 August 2024

Hypocrisy Alert - KC Calls For Twitter To Be Shut Down on Twitter


It seems that there is a certain type of lawyer who doesn't approve of free speech, when it contradicts their world view!

Tuesday 6 August 2024

Musk vs Starmer Fight For Premiership of UK


Monday 5 August 2024

Politicians and Media In Bed With Each Other - Literally!


Ed Balls interviews Home Secretary Yvette Cooper this morning on ITV's flagship breakfast show.

By happen stance they are married!

Two Tier Policing To Stay - Apparently!


Thursday 1 August 2024

Taking The Piss GPs Vote For Strikes


Having seen how easy it was for junior doctors to extract a 22% payrise from Streeting, GPs in England have voted overwhelmingly in favour of taking collective action for the first time in 60 years in a row over their new contract.

They will be able to choose from a series of actions set out by the British Medical Association (BMA) after 98.3% of more than 8,500 GPS in England who took part voted in favour.

Doctors have said the action could last for "months" and could bring the NHS to a "standstill very quickly.

Irony Klaxon - This is Labour's "Honeymoon Period"!


Three weeks into government and Starmer and his colleagues in Labour are still, technically, in their "honeymoon period".

What a three weeks it's been a.o:

- a serving member of the armed forces was stabbed multiple times in broad daylight by a knife wielding thug.

- three children were stabbed to death, and other children seriously wounded, by a knife wielding thug.

- multiple incidents of violence were perpetrated by a group of thugs at Manchester airport, who then seriously injured several police officers.

-  riots and serious levels of public disorder have occurred in various parts of Britain. The police applied a two tier approach to their response (eg leaving one group to burn a bus, whilst arresting a lady in her 70's for walking down the street near Downing Street).

- a machete fight broke out in Southend.

- a balaclava wearing thug with a machete tried to start trouble during a vigil for the dead girls in Southport.

- EDL, an organisation that was disbanded over 10 years, ago has been resurrected from the grave by Labour and the compliant media to be used as the all purpose vehicle of blame.

- JSO committed serious security breaches at Manchester, Gatwick and Heathrow airports.

- Reeves took away the heating allowance for over 10 million pensioners (but kept her own £3K pa allowance for MPs' second home).

- junior doctors played Streeting for a fool with his 22% pay rise, and have said they will strike again in 12 months etc.

If this is what the "honeymoon period" under Labour is like, imagine what the state of the country will be like by Christmas!