
The PalArse of Westminster


Exposing the hypocrisy, greed and incompetence of our "respected" elected political "elite".

Monday 16 September 2024

Donations Gratefully Received - #PantiesGate


What kind of a man (a millionaire no less) would allow another man (who is not a relative) buy his wife clothes?

Friday 13 September 2024

Pointless Strategy Summit With Senile Lame Duck


#TwoTierKeir is in Washington to meet with Biden, to discuss the strategy for Ukraine to remain in the war with Russia.

All very well for TwoTier to emphasise the "strategy" element. However, discussing strategy with a senile lame duck president is pointless. After the election on 5 November, America's policy towards Ukraine will change as will its strategy.

Thursday 12 September 2024

Treasury Refuses To Quantify The Mysterious £22BN Black Hole

The UK Treasury is refusing to provide key details of the £22BN fiscal “black hole” that chancellor Rachel Reeves claims to have discovered, with officials insisting they need more time to ensure the figures are accurate!

In the meantime that mysterious black hole has been used as a rationale to kill 4,000 pensioners this winter.

I will give the Treasury a helping hand:

- £9BN spaffed on the pay rise for doctors

- £12BN spaffed on green aid for foreign governments.

 There, that's £21BN identified!

Wednesday 11 September 2024

WFA Cut Will Kill 4,000 But Won't Save a Penny


Reeves all but admits that she didn't think this through, but won't back down because she has boxed herself in.

Fortunately for her and other MPs, they will still receive thousands in heating allowances, Reeves claimed £4,400.

Tuesday 10 September 2024

Early Release - Party For Some/Misery For Victims



We are releasing 5,000 prisoners early this autumn while there are 10,400 foreign nationals in UK prisons. 

Why are the foreign prisoners not being deported, thus negating the need for releasing the others and putting people at risk?

Monday 9 September 2024

The Hill That #TwoTierKeir Has Chosen To Die On - 4,000 Dead Pensioners


Research carried out by Labour in 2017 claimed that 4,000 pensioners would die if the then PM, Theresa May, had pursued plans to restrict winter fuel allowances.

For reasons best known to himself, TwoTier has decided to resurrect those plans and die on the hill of 4,000 dead pensioners. There are battles you should fight, and battles you shouldn't. Quite why TwoTier has chosen this hill to die on is beyond me.

There is a much easier way to save the £1.8BN, stop Miliband's ludicrous £11BN green give-away to foreign governments!

Friday 6 September 2024

Angela Eagle is Fucking Useless and She Knows It!


Operation "Integrity" - My Arse!


Just how stupid/hypocritical are Labour?

You cannot have the man who solicits donations also advising you on who appoint!

Thursday 5 September 2024

The Home Orifice is Fucking Useless!


Why is the Home Orifice so useless?

 Look to the people who run it!

DEI is a disease that destroys everything it infects, it must be expunged from our institutions and organisations!

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Uneasy Lies The Head - #TwoTierKeir Calls Sunak PM

Baroness Fox Skewers #TwoTierKeir's TwoTier Policy on Israel


Tuesday 3 September 2024

#TwoTierKeir Kowtows To Sectarian Pressure and Backs Hamas


A day or so after Hamas executed (by shots to the back of their heads) six hostages, #TwoTierKeir and Lammy decided to suspend licences for weapons sales on 30 out of 350 arms licences with Israel.

Hamas continues to hold over 100 hostages, including 5 British citizens. Israel is a longstanding ally of the UK, yet TwoTier has decided to kowtow to domestic sectarian pressure and send a signal of support to the terrorist organisation Hamas and to Iran.

This pitiful display of student virtue signalling gesture politics will not change the outcome of Israel's operations against Hamas/Iran. However, it has severely damaged Britain's relationship with both Israel and the USA abd it will have negative repercussions for Britain.

Biden was assured by TwoTier and Lammy that no such actions were going to be taken. Britain's global reputation is being destroyed by TwoTier.

#TwoTierKeir To Nationalise Oasis


TwoTier, being a Marxist, doesn't understand the concept of supply and demand. As such, he cannot get his head around the fact that demand for oasis tickets exceeds supply; thus pushing the price up.

Fear not comrades, he has a solution.

He will nationalise Oasis.

Needless to say, as with all other popular entertainment/sports events TwoTier will receive his customary first class freebies for this one!

Monday 2 September 2024